Sunday, April 2, 2017

Argh Plus!

I did eventually get a keyboard to plug in to the laptop so I could actually type again ... YAY!  But now the laptop itself is acting up.  This Christmas, I need a new Win 7 laptop -- hubby has found some fabulous deals for desktop Win 7 computers over at eBay but I want to stick to the laptop version ... almost as bad as a friend who abandoned her desktop computer once she got her iPad.  Personally, I have no intention of moving from a "computer" to some kind of device like an iPad or android thing, nor do I ever intend to use a Win 10 computer -- if it ever gets to the point where that is my only computer option -- I will be off the internet faster than you can say "Whoops!" and probably off the computer too -- so, for Christmas this year, I want a piggy bank (hopefully with some kind of donation(s) already in it, to start saving up for the things I want -- a typewriter for when I give up computers and a Silhouette Cameo with pixscan mat or a Brother Scan N Cut;  both digital die cut machines require connection to a computer to use ... **sigh**

Oh, yeh, I also want to figure out where all my camera equipment is hiding so I can figure out a set up that works so I can start making videos for YouTube.  I've finally gotten over my fear of creating junk and decided that even if it is junk, you gotta start somewhere, right?  If you start out perfect, everyone is going to expect that going forward ... start with the junk and get better, right?  Just don't deliberately make junk!

PiBoIdMo -- have you heard of it?

November was NaNWriMo -- you, know, National Novel Writing Month -- where the goal is to get 50,000 words of a crummy rough first draft of your Great American Novel written.  It came.  It went.  My word count?  Zilch, nada, nuthin'.
PiBoIdMo is Picture Book Idea Month -- I thought it was to create 12 picture book ideas (one a month for the coming year) but when I looked for the link to it for a Facebook comment, I found out it is a new idea everyday for the month.  That too used to be November but for the next one, it has been moved to January 2017 -- still time to plan to participate.  I think I will try it.
I was mentally working on a story (but did not get any of it typed out for an addition to a word count for NaNoWriMo ...) -- and three of the characters got "involved" -- three little girls.  Hannah, Emma and Grace.  In the course of the story, the character who is sort of me, tried to draw Hannah back into childhood and out of the role of "little mother" for her younger sisters.  Told her I wanted to write a silly story about three characters, a puppy named Paul, a kitten named Paprika and a doll about the size and shape of a Barbie but named Armadillo, who likes to wear really funky clothes.
     In the course of the story, Hannah did not get involved in making up a story about these three characters, well, not at first.  Instead, she sat down, drew a stick figure of Armadillo and then began to use her talents to design and draw clothing for the stick figure.  She made up a bunch of outfits and then when asked for more information about the clothes, Hannah began to explain situations where Armadillo might wear them.  The two younger sisters had designed rooms with furniture and places like gardens and more -- collecting or drawing pictures of furniture and flowers and all kinds of things.  plu the youngest began to think up silly situations for Armadillo to get caught up in ... I think those three could come up with about a dozen or more story ideas for starters ... LOL!  Yes, it is true, characters often come up with ideas that are their own and not something I would think f on my own -- even though, ultimately, those ideas come out of my own mind somewhere.  Which reminds me -- every blog post should involve some kind o graphic, shouldn't it?  Well ... I'm heading over to pixabay for an image to share today ... be back as soon as I find something ...

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