Friday, April 8, 2016

G is for ...

Today is April 8, 2016 and ...

* Draw A Bird Day
* Trading Cards For Adults Day

which leads me to share some info on

Artist Trading Cards

Basically they are 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" cards that are usually traded among adults.  Here are a couple YouTubes about them:

You "met" Cindy Angiel a couple of days ago (under D is for Doodle).  Here she shares her process for making a set of ATCs for a swap/trade:

While I go search out another ATC YouTube, here are 2 blog posts I've done about some recent ATCs I made for swaps ... Cactus ATCs and Spring Blooms.

While you were reading those (or doing the "National Geographic 'thing'" -- that is, leaf through looking at the pictures without really reading any of it ...) I will go find more YouTubes about ATCs -- since there are as many ways to make ATCs as there are to make a meatloaf and as there are grains of sand on the beaches and in the deserts of the world  ...
I found these to share with you ... Remember, there are many ways to create-a-mini-piece-of-art (2 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches) -- these are just a few ...

Well, all that and we have not gotten to today's
Baker's Dozen Plus ...
so here they are:

1. gateau
2. gallimaufry
3. Gallifrey
4. gable
5. garble
6. Galloway
7. gamble
8. gargoyle
9. gargle
10. grow
11. gallant
12. goldfish
13. giraffe

14. ginger
15. goop
16. grime
17. grim
18. goofy
19. gorgeous
20. gross
21. goose
22. gannet
23. galumph
24. goblin
25. grandiose

So, I think I've more than covered crafty things for today and probably have overwhelmed you ... sorry.  So let's just get on to today's Call To Action linkies.

Actually, there really isn't much here about the letter G, is there?

So, wracking brain ... coming up with fog and mist ...
Well, duh!  GARDENS!  Hubby added in "How about 'Grouchy' or 'Gouda'?"

As my brain went into the Fog ... why don't you share some info about Gardens in the comments section ... a link to a favorite garden, your own garden story or anything about gardens.  :D
I'll suggest these three:
At Facebook, I found this awesome page:  My Small Garden Paradise
A garden my mom and I visited on a trip years and years ago -- Butchart Gardens
and one in southern New Jersey that is set up in a similar fashion (small gardens based on a color or type of flower) -- Leamings Run Garden in Cape May Courthouse, NJ -- I wish I could find the photos my hubby and I took there of the bamboo -- it reminded us a lot of pictures of Indian gods with many arms.

Call To Action

There are 5 things you can do to earn a free gift (probably a selection of Color-Your-Own SuseDoodle postcards from a forthcoming collection to be released soon! WOO HOO!)  All five  Call to Action options can be found here -- two can be  answered in the Comments Section here or via the InLinkz section at the end of the post ... I wanted to set the closing date as May 7 but InLinkz would not let  me run a link list for that long ... so the deadline is May 1 ...



1 comment:

  1. Do giraffes galumph?

    Do geese gargle?

    Do goblins gamble?

    'Good grief', gasped the goldfish, gulping grimy, goopy, green water.
